Ensuring Fair and Transparent Candidate Evaluations

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Fair and Transparent Candidate Evaluations

It takes a lot of effort for a company to hire a candidate and candidate evaluation plays an important role. Evaluating candidates on various criteria makes the whole hiring process easier but there are still chances that you might feel confused finalising the candidate. So, one needs a batter interview evaluation process to work out, to judge the right candidate for the job. There are recruitment services that are capable of solving this problem, making it easier for candidates as well as for the organization. In this article, you will get to know about evaluating candidates before, during and after the interview. 

The interview process is a common step in hiring and evaluating candidates, it’s a process where the company knows about the candidate and the candidate knows about the company as well. So, an employer would ask plenty of questions to hiring candidates as any wrong hiring can cost big to the company.   

Ensuring Candidates Evaluations Before, During and After Interview


Candidate Evaluation Techniques Before the Interview


 Do Proper Planning


It means that a  meeting with the recruiters, hiring manager and HR. The focal point of the meeting is to discuss the roles and responsibilities, desired qualifications, the expectations from the candidates, short term and long term goals that the candidate must adhere too, discuss the company’s culture and position for which the hiring should be done and make points on what to expect from the candidates. 

So, after noting down all the basic points about the candidates, the next step is to make sure to create a job description. It should be clear and concise for the candidate and must include responsibilities and roles, about the experience that is required and experience. The job description should be concise, clear, the candidate should get a proper idea and it should not be misleading. 

Call the Candidates for the Interview


Take the interview process forward with this step, call the shortlisted candidates. You can contact them via a call or by email, with all things they need to bring for the interview. You should not arrange more than 4 interviews per day with the same recruiter in a day. Just keep the basic things ready before the interview, like booking a decent room for the interview. 

Create an Evaluation form for Candidates


Create questions that are relevant to the candidate’s evaluation, these questions would help you to judge the candidates in a better way. An evaluation form will make it easier in the talent acquisition process and making a decision.  Another benefit is that it rules out the chance of having a bad hire and all the candidates are also evaluated on the basis of the same factors, so, there is no chance of any bias. 

Candidate Evaluation Techniques During the Interview


Asking them Intelligent Questions 


Don’t just ask the basic questions like about the experience, educational qualifications. You get my point, it should be like a normal conversation but don’t make it an interrogation, just know your candidate better. Another thing is that don’t reply with only ‘why’ to their every response. 

Clear the Doubts of the Candidate


There are certain things that an interested candidate might be looking forward. As a dedicated recruiter, your job is to clear any doubt. They might ask about the company’s vision and how can he contribute to the company. The candidates also like to know about the salary that would be offered to them for joining the company, the candidate is also worried about the culture of the company and they would like to have an insight about it too.   

Tell the Candidate about the Next Steps


Don’t let the candidate stay in doubt for any further steps, you should keep the candidates in the loop for the second interview or the result date of the interview. If a candidate is left without any proper communication that can tarnish your organization. If the candidate is not selected, then informing them with a mail, this will lead to a good relationship with the candidate. 

If the process gets delayed, then every good candidate will be gone and join somewhere else and you need to hire some average candidates and the worse part is that you have to do the whole procedure. 

Candidate Evaluation Techniques After the Interview


Now, this is the final part to evaluate the candidate and in this step, we need to judge the motivation, skills and if the candidate is a fit in the culture. And here are some other things that need to keep in mind: 

Check the Educational Background


The candidate must have the educational qualifications supporting the job profile. And if the role is technical then the importance of the educational background check becomes really important. This is an important step and a recruitment company should not avoid it. This step can make or break the hiring process and is helpful for the candidate evaluation. 

Communication Skills of the Candidate


A good communication skill is important for almost every job nowadays. The candidate evaluation is done on how does he speaks and is able to communicate. You can also check the resume to find any errors. This might not be the reason but it can provide you insight into the quality of such details. 

Check Team Management Skills


You can also evaluate the candidates by asking them about the challenges they faced while handling a team. Or if they handled a team during their previous job. By this, you will get to that the candidate is a team-player or a loves to work alone.  

Other Things to Keep in Mind for Candidate Evaluation


Apart from the interview process, a recruitment company will decide the candidate by the following points: 

Going through the Body Language of the Candidate


Body language will tell you more about the candidate than the resume itself. You can check if the candidate is eager, check the tone of his voice, whether he is confident or not. Observe the eye contact, if they are making good eye contact, it means that the candidate is transparent and a less eye contact means that the candidate is not confident enough about his claims. 


Listen More and Speak Less


Listening is important for the interviewer because listening to the replies of the candidate is important for evaluation and you must also cross-question the candidates. Cross-questioning might help to reveal if their skills and achievements are true. 

Candidates Activities on Social Media Networking Websites 


A dedicated recruiter should take a look at the social media accounts of the candidates, it can help to give the company a real outlook of the candidate and by looking at platforms such as Linkedin you can check about the recommendations given by clients, colleagues, etc.    



There is no certified technique to follow for candidate evaluation, there are different techniques that work for different candidates. An organization doesn’t have an ample amount of time to try hit and trial method. And for this, they can hire a recruitment company, that will devise a proper structure and plan to evaluate candidates in less time. 


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