Talent Acquisition Tips For Startups in 2022

Posted by: Neha Nandal Category:
Talent Acquisition Tips For Startups

Growth is good in the startup world. Not just good, but growth is the holy grail of startup culture. Growing a business entails a number of inherent risks.

Most startups are working with limited cash flow, limited time, and limited hiring expertise.

70% of new startup companies fail within the first 20 months of being funded. 

Among the many reasons for failure, 23 percent of startups cited an insufficient team as a contributing factor! These statistics can show that the success rate of startups is low. 

Well, this article is helpful for startups who are looking to grow at breakneck speed. You can do it by implementing talent acquisition strategies, and here you will get to know the talent acquisition tips for startups. 

Reasons Why Startup Fails

There are plenty of reasons why a startup fails, and some of them are: 

  • No market need.
  • Run out of cash.
  • Not the right team.
  • Get outcompeted.
  • Pricing/cost issues.

Why do you Need a Talent Acquisition Strategy?

Most startups confuse talent acquisition with human resources, which is incorrect. It is entirely different. The main reason a talent acquisition strategy is vital for successful hiring is it allows the organization to hire proactively. You know exactly where to look for great candidates if you have an excellent talent acquisition strategy in place.

Consider the following scenario: your office manager does not wait until you are completely out of printing paper before ordering more. He or she is aware of the amount of paper required in your office each month and ensures that it is always available. 

It is also the approach you should take when hiring. Instead of waiting for employees to leave, you can use the data to learn about turnover and retention rates, average employee tenure at the organization, and in-demand skills. It allows development at all levels.

Talent Acquisition Tips for Startups

#1. Consider thinking outside the box.

Because bad hires are so costly, many businesses fall into the trap of “safety hiring.” As a result, high-potential candidates who do not have the exact match of credentials or experience required for a role may get weeded out. While this makes some logical sense, it can severely limit your pool of candidates and your potential for business growth and innovation.

As a result, carefully consider your “weeding out factors” and ensure they are equitable. For instance, you may be looking for a candidate with a graduate degree for a team leadership position. During the process, you may overlook a candidate having relevant experience and high potential but lacking that specific degree.

Using a people analytics tool can help you avoid this type of occurrence. To aid the hiring process, the tools provide objective assessments of behaviour, cognitive ability, and skill set. Instead of relying on a simple resume or recruiter screening, the tool provides multiple, objective perspectives on a candidate.

#2. Connecting your talent acquisition strategy to the big picture.

One of the most vital steps for a startup is to connect your startup’s vision, values, and business growth strategy with your talent strategy. However, it is frequently cut short — or skipped entirely — as the company rushes to hire key personnel and get the product ready for market. 

From a recruiting and hiring standpoint, this critical step feeds everything, such as defining what makes someone successful at your firm based on your culture and vision, and who you need in place to support hiring processes.

#3. Creating a solid talent pipeline. 

Wouldn’t it be great if the next time you posted a job, you already had a pool of qualified candidates to choose from? Developing a talent pipeline entails actively cultivating a pool of potential candidates for a variety of roles, which significantly reduces the time typically spent on sourcing.

Here are some ways to create a talent pipeline: 

  • Prioritize certain roles: You will know from experience that some positions are harder to fill than others. Focus on building out a talent pool for these roles first.
  • Create an internal talent pool: This pool is made up of current employees who have already demonstrated exceptional performance and potential. Check-in with management teams on a regular basis to go over performance evaluations and identify which employees could fill future open positions.
  • Begin networking: To engage passive candidates, attend events, and meetups, and join LinkedIn groups. Start a conversation on social media about the company’s future plans and potential open positions.

#4. Ditch The Job Boards.

Using traditional job advertising methods will not get you very far. You must broaden your talent acquisition skills and think outside the box, which means abandoning job boards in favour of new ways to advertise. Top-tier talent is rarely found on job boards.

Most valuable talent is already employed, so it is up to you and your recruitment team to go out and find these valuable employees and start the recruitment management process.

Job boards tend to produce an excess amount of work for the recruiters with little result. You will be left sifting through piles of resumes to find the right talent for your company, and sometimes the right candidate isn’t among them. Instead, consider advertising new job openings through social media campaigns and internal programmes.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide Of Staffing Services 2022

How can UprightHC Streamline your Startup’s Talent Acquisition Process?

Upright Human Capital provides specialized Human Capital hiring and Talent Acquisition services to alleviate the difficulty of finding the right talent.

We understand the value of good talent in a company and are committed to assisting organizations in acquiring talent in a competitive recruitment environment. We can connect your company with highly qualified candidates, making the process as simple as possible.

Why choose us: 

  • Quality is never compromised.
  • Vertically specific expert recruiters.
  • Processes fueled by technology.
  • Dual screening is used to ensure that client resources are used appropriately.

Schedule a call with our recruitment experts and maximize your recruitment process.


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