How to Leverage Employee Engagement Surveys and Drive Recruiting?

Posted by: Ginni Agarwal Category:
Leverage Employee Engagement Surveys

Do you know what the most common reason for new hires leaving is? It needs to be a more effective hiring and onboarding process.

According to a Glassdoor survey, implementing a solid onboarding program can increase new hire retention by up to 82 percent.

But how does a business determine what isn’t working in its onboarding process and how to improve it?

Businesses should conduct employee surveys regularly to understand better critical topics such as employee satisfaction and company culture.

Surveys provide employers with a better understanding of how their employees perceive the organisation, providing valuable information that improves the office work environment.

An employee survey is your most potent weapon for improving employee experience and satisfaction.

This article will show how employee surveys can help the hiring process.

Types of Employee Surveys

Depending on your objectives, different employee surveys reveal specific information. Do you want to track employee engagement, for example? Do you want to know what your employees think about your company culture?

The following are some familiar employee surveys that shed light on your organisation and team.

Annual review survey: This survey gets conducted annually to evaluate an employee’s overall performance. The goal is to provide an effective performance review, identify strengths and areas for improvement, create a performance record, and facilitate a professional development path.

Company culture survey: This survey assesses how well a company’s behaviour corresponds to its stated values. Utilise the findings to improve leadership strategies, organisational strategies, and future investments.

Employee engagement survey: This assesses how valued your organisation and leadership consider your employees. Surveys of employee engagement are critical for reducing employee turnover.

Employee satisfaction survey: This survey assesses how satisfied and empowered employees are. It may address company policies, job satisfaction, compensation, employee benefits, and work-related issues.

Exit interview survey: This survey gets used when an employee leaves your company; it should be kept separate from their personnel file. Use the results of exit interviews to improve your organisation and the specific job description and responsibilities for the vacated role.

Onboarding survey: This is for new hires after onboarding. Employees rate their experience with recruiting and onboarding in these new-hire surveys.

Pulse survey: This is a brief (five-minute) and frequent (weekly, every few weeks, or monthly) surveys that assess an organisation’s health. Employees provide immediate feedback on job responsibilities, job satisfaction, communication, and work environment.

How to Develop your Employee Survey?

It takes careful planning to create an employee survey that produces actionable results. Several factors will be considered, including the topic, timing, length, format, and questions. You’ll also establish a frequency schedule, especially for repeat surveys, to ensure you have an accurate picture of your progress.

Follow these steps to develop your employee survey: 

  • Select an employee survey topic.

Each survey should have a distinct focus and objective. It can be tempting to combine questions about various aspects of your business into a single survey. However, this can lead to employee confusion about the survey’s true purpose, leaving you with actionable results. To be relevant to employees, survey topics should acknowledge the current state of what is happening within the company.

  • Consider the employee survey’s timing.

The importance of timing must get balanced. The key to effective survey development is encouraging employees to consider their recent experiences in a broader context. Consider what events are happening in your organisation you want to learn more about and create surveys to go with them.

For example, suppose you conduct a training effectiveness survey immediately after a day of employee training. In that case, you will almost certainly receive much higher ratings than if you conducted the survey several weeks or months later, when employees can better reflect on what they did and did not learn and how the training session could be improved.

  • Determine the length and frequency of employee surveys.

A survey can provide important information about your company. However, selecting only a few survey types most relevant to your business and goals is critical. An annual review, for example, is unlikely to reveal enough about your company, whereas weekly pulse surveys can result in survey fatigue. There is a delicate balance between how frequently surveys should get administered and how long each survey should be.

  • Choose employee survey questions that will produce actionable results.

One of the most critical aspects of creating a successful employee survey is deciding what questions to ask. Some surveys contain a core set of questions that allow for a direct comparison of progress over time. Others include questions based on current events or topics.

To avoid ambiguity, each question should have only one variable (for example, do not use the word “and”). Furthermore, it is critical to ask questions that will yield actionable results.

  • Choose an employee survey format.

Determine which survey question format to receive actionable results for each survey. Most businesses find multiple-choice employee surveys useful because the consistent responses are simple to compile and analyse.

Open-ended question surveys get used, but they can be more difficult to aggregate and collect meaningful data.

Read More: The Ultimate Employee Engagement Guide for 2023

How UprightHC helps you with Talent Acquisition? 

Once you have created your employee engagement survey. The next step is to sync with your talent acquisition team. They’ll gather insights from the surveys and create the hiring plan. 

When your internal talent acquisition team does it for the first time, they will leave some points and make mistakes. Therefore, you can hire professional recruitment services like us, who have been in talent acquisition for quite some time. 

UprightHC provides specialized human capital hiring & talent acquisition solutions to bridge the gap between recruiting the right talent. We are happy to optimize your recruitment strategy and provide guidance on implementing the best practices. 

Key areas of recruitment services by UprightHC

  • Get a professional recruitment process for any business

Our consultants will help with the recruitment process, as we understand your business and handle each process with dedication. 

  • In-depth search to find the right candidate

Our experts will use their established connections to find and connect your organization with the perfect candidate. 

Contact our experts for customized hiring plans for recruitment and talent acquisition services. 

Build and Expand Based on Feedback from your Employees

Conducting employee engagement surveys demonstrates that you care about your employees’ workplace experiences, allowing you to gain valuable insights. However, survey results must be translated into action to improve engagement. We at UprightHC know the importance of employee engagement services, and what’s better than knowing beforehand the engagement and satisfaction levels of your employees? Get in touch with our hiring experts and start your hiring process. 


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